Research Services
Bio-Sample Transport Services
Public transportation (e.g., U-M or City of Ann Arbor buses, private taxis, etc.) must not be used for transport of biological materials.
Definition: Biological materials are any materials taken from humans or animals, living or dead, fresh or preserved (cells, tissues, organs, blood and body fluids), cultures, suspensions or lyophilized prokaryotic or eukaryotic microorganisms, viruses, sub-viral particles, recombinant products, or parasites used for teaching or research purposes.
The Bio Research Shuttle now offers on-demand convenience. The shuttle is a shared service intended only for the transport of passengers with bio-research material.
Riders should request pick-ups via the TapRide mobile app or website:
- Download for Android or for iTunes. Select "University of Michigan Bio Research Shuttle". Login with your UMICH username and password to request a ride.
- If you do not have mobile app/computer access, you may call (734) 936-0472.
Riders can watch their vehicle live on the map, receive notifications when it is approaching, and change or cancel their request directly from the app/website.
For more information visit the LTP Website.
Hazard Communication
The operator of a motor vehicle that contains a biological material must be informed of the presence of the material, and must be informed of the requirements in this section.
Chemical Waste
Schedule waste pick-up; order waste containers, labels and manifests.
EHS Supplies
Laboratory Gas
- All laboratory gas deliveries must come to either the Building 90 dock or Building 550 South dock for processing, depending on your lab location. Be sure to indicate the appropriate dock for delivery location in addition to your specific mailing address.
- Gas delivery vehicles must call Security Post 1 (734-764-9000) upon their approach to the NCRC. Post 1 will then arrange for a NCRC team member to meet them at the dock and coordinate delivery.
- Dock hours are weekdays, 7:00am- 5:00pm
For gas deliveries on the 2800 side of campus, use the following delivery address:
North Campus Research Complex
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 90 dock
ATTN: [Name, Building Number, Room Number]
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800
For gas deliveries on the 1600 side of campus, use the following delivery address:
North Campus Research Complex
1600 Huron Parkway, Building 550 South dock
ATTN: [Name, Building Number, Room Number]
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800
Dock Services
Delivery Locations
- Building 16, 18, 32: Please bring deliveries and carts through the loading dock at Building 90, rather than through the lobby.
- Building 100, 520: Please bring deliveries and carts through the South entrance of Building 520 for catering or Building 550 dock for freight/courier, rather than through the lobby.
- Caterer’s using a cart must come through the Building 90 dock or South entrance of Building 520. Small deliveries may be carried through the lobby as long as no cart is required.
- If you have a delivery service that comes often, please contact the Research Services at 734-763-0773 to make arrangements for the delivery service to obtain badge access.
- For all other deliveries at the South side of Building 520, you may open the back door and escort them in.
Medical School Laundry Services
Morgan Services is the Medical School laundry service provider, as well as a licensed provider for lab coat embroidery services for University logos.
Weblogin is required for most of the below links.
Embroidered Lab Coats, Lab Coat & Scrubs - The following instructional documents and portal links should guide you in processing orders for embroidered lab coats, lab coats and scrubs. Morgan Services will also launder linens, curtains, garments and other specialty items.
Order via Shortcode (P-Cards not accepted)
To set up a Morgan account, or if you have any questions, please contact:
Jeff Beeler | Healthcare Account Manager
Morgan Services
(248) 310-9877
BeelerJ@morganservices.com | morganservices.com
Drop-off/Pick-up Locations:
- NCRC Dock 90, 2800 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor MI 48109
- MSRB II Dock 6, 1150 E. Medical Center Dr. Ann Arbor MI 48109
- BSRB Dock 7, 109 Zina Pitcher Rd. Ann Arbor MI 48109
Drop-off/Pick-up Days:
- Tuesday
- Friday
For more details or questions on Morgan Services, please see the Procurement Services - Morgan Services Website.
Medical School Lab Coat & Scrub Rental
Medical School lab coat, scrub or garment rental services are provided by Cintas.
To set up a Cintas account, or if you have any questions, please contact:
Kris Perun | Strategic Markets- Education
Cintas Corporation
(616) 915.9046
perunk@cintas.com | cintas.com
For more details or questions on rental services, please see the Procurement Services - Cintas Website.
Medical School Glass Wash & Sterilize Request
To request glass wash & autoclave services please fill out the Glass Wash and Sterilization Request Form and attach to bins.
Research Services
Biological Waste, Sharps Containers, Special and Recycled Waste
(i.e. e-waste, light bulbs, aerosols, batteries, etc.)
Research Services
NCRC Supplies
(i.e. drums, pails, etc.)
Research Services
Pipette Recycling Box
Contact Research Services to receive a pipette recycling box. Recycling service provided at no charge by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Research Services
Self-Serve Autoclaves
Building 20W, 1st floor, Room 134W-B
Interior dimensions: 20” x 20” x 38”
Building 26, 3rd floor, Room 307W
Building 520, Room 2330
Self Service Autoclave & Dishwasher Location
Building 520, 3rd floor, Room 3330
Interior dimensions: 20” x 20” x 38”
Autoclave & Glass Wash Additional Information
Glass Washing
Glass washing services do not include:
Self-Serve Autoclaves
Self-serve autoclaves are to be used for media prep, glass and instrument sterilization only. EHS training is required before use.
Autoclave services do not include:
What Can NOT Be Autoclaved
* Bio hazardous waste generated at the NCRC is packaged for off-site treatment. Contact Lab Services for information on packaging biohazard waste.
Self Service Autoclave Locations:
Interior dimensions: 20” x 20” x 38”
Interior dimensions: 24” x 36” x 36”
Self Service Autoclave & Dishwasher Location:
Interior dimensions: 20” x 20” x 38”
To access autoclave operating guidelines, visit the NCRC’s Lab Services webpage: http://ncrc.umich.edu/life-ncrc/services/laboratory-services.