Wellness Center

The Wellness Center is a resource to help promote greater health and wellness at NCRC. This is accomplished by offering fitness and strength training machines, MHealthy options and multiple Wellness Programs.
The Wellness Center is for Michigan Medicine Faculty, Staff and NCRC occupants. Individuals that do not have access are not authorized to use the equipment, stretching or dance rooms.
If a member allows access of unauthorized groups or individuals, their access into the Wellness Center will be revoked for 2 years.
Even if you are an authorized member, under no circumstance are children allowed in the Wellness Center.
All photos on this website were taken pre-COVID-19.
Become an NCRC Wellness Center Member

Sign-up for your NCRC Wellness Center Membership.
Review the NCRC Wellness Center Guidelines.
The NCRC Wellness Center has a $10 monthly membership fee.
This monthly fee will enable NCRC and MHealthy to continue this amenity, as well as fund and maintain the equipment and facility services.
New and renew members will receive a trial period, the first month of your NCRC Wellness Center membership will be free!
If you have already created an account for MHealthy classes, you will use the same user name and password to log-in and purchase your NCRC Wellness Center membership.
Please allow 2 business days for your Mcard to be activated. You must have your Mcard with you to access the Wellness Center.
Orientations are completed online as part of your membership process.
If you have a smart card, you will need to have your card activated at the Mcard office at NCRC.
Any MHealthy classes membership and payments are in no way affiliated with the NCRC Wellness Center membership and payments. You do not have to be a NCRC Wellness Center member to access MHealthy classes held at NCRC. The $10.00 monthly fee is for use of the NCRC Wellness Center only and separate from any payments towards MHealthy classes you may sign-up for.
Eligible Wellness Center Members
- Michigan Medicine Staff & Faculty
- NCRC Accelerator Occupants
- NCRC VA Occupants
NCRC Wellness Center Member Information
- The membership fee is $10.00 a month. An automatic withdrawal of $10.00 will occur the first business day of each month.
- The first month of membership will be free.
- A credit/debit card is the only acceptable method of payment.
- A re-occurring automatic monthly payment of $10.00 will take effect at the start of the second month of membership until membership is canceled.
- Membership may be canceled at any time. Please note that once the membership is charged at the beginning of the month, the member will remain active through the end of the month. There are no refunds or partial refunds given. The member must cancel at least one business day prior to the end of the month to avoid charges for the subsequent month.
- To cancel a membership: email the Medical School MCard office at Med.School.Access@umich.edu requesting your membership to be canceled.
- Members are required to renew their ParQ and Liability forms annually, 365 days from initial sign-up.
- If your credit card expired and/or you received a new card, please remember to update your information. If your information is not updated within 5 business days of you receiving a late payment email notification, your access will be terminated.
- If you leave the University of Michigan and/or relocate to another area that is not eligible to be an NCRC Wellness Center member you MUST cancel your membership in order to stop payments on your credit card.
- Closing at 9:00pm allows for the rooms to be cleaned on a nightly basis. This includes the following rooms: both men’s and women’s locker rooms, Building 16 Rooms B017N, B019N and B020N.
Location & Hours of Operation
The Wellness Center is located in Building 16, Basement. MHealthy classes are located in the Building 16, Basement, Room B-017N exercise room, along with lockers and showers.
The Wellness Center is open every day, 5:00AM - 9:00PM.
The Wellness Center will be closed during Michigan Medicine Holiday and Season Days.
Equipment wipes will be available in the Wellness Center to wipe equipment before and/or after each use.
Equipment high touch areas like handlebars and seats are cleaned nightly and the entire machine is cleaned two times a week.
Surfaces, floors, restrooms, shower rooms and locker rooms will be cleaned on a nightly basis and trash cans emptied nightly as well.
Wellness Center New Equipment
The Wellness Center has upgraded equipment, which includes many new machines, as well as upgrades to the treadmills and recumbent bikes.
Below you will find photos along with descriptions of all the new and upgraded equipment.
Equipment Instructional Videos
Concept 2 Rower
Matrix e3x Elliptical
Matrix C3X Climbmill
Matrix Cable Crossover
Matrix R3X Recumbent Bike
Matrix S3X Stepper
Matrix T3X Treadmill
Matrix U3X Upright Bike
Paramount Lat Pull Low Row
Paramount Extension Leg Curl
Paramount Seated Chest Press
Paramount Seated Leg Press
Paramount Shoulder Press
Full Video
MHealthy Programs

- Physical activity
- Nutrition
- Weight management
- Ergonomics awareness
- Tobacco cessation
- Mental and emotional health
There are over 1,300 six month combination assignment lockers located outside of the shower rooms and approximately 60 token operated daily use lockers.
Items left behind in the Wellness Center should be turned into the Michigan Medicine Security.
for example; watches, wallets and money should be turned into Post 1 (734) 764-9000 if the person can identify what is being retrieved the items will be released to that person. To follow up on valuable items please email lost-and-found@police.umich.edu to inquire. Non–valuable items will be held for one week, if not claimed they will be disposed of. MCARD’s should be turned into the MCARD station located in Bldg. 18 room G018 at NCRC.
If interested in an assignment locker, please email a request including your name and UMID# to: researchservices@umich.edu.
How do I gain access to the NCRC Wellness Center fitness rooms?
You must sign-up for a NCRC Wellness Center Membership, which is a $10 monthly fee using your debit/credit card.
Is there a lost & found for the Wellness Center?
If you lost or found a valuable item, please contact the DPSS Michigan Medicine Lost & Found.
Mcards found should be turned into the Mcard Office at NCRC.
Does the NCRC Wellness Center include strength training equipment such as bench presses, kettle bells, dumbbells, and medicine balls?
The NCRC Wellness Center is not a staffed facility and therefore there are limits on what type of equipment can be provided. We recognize the need for additional strength training equipment and are assessing our options for future provisions.
Can I get an assigned locker?
Yes, please email a request including your name and UMID# to: researchservices@umich.edu.
Will the NCRC Wellness Center be open 24 hours?
We are currently assessing interest in a 24 hour Wellness Center operation. A determination will be made in the future based on member requests.
Who determines the magazine selection available in the Wellness Center fitness rooms?
Magazines are donated by our members. All members are welcome to recycle and contribute to the selections.
How is temperature controlled in the NCRC Wellness Center fitness rooms?
Temperature is set to 70° and is monitored and adjusted on a regular basis.
More Information
Questions & Comments:
Please contact Maryellen Tracy
(734) 255-9202