Parking & Transportation
The NCRC is serviced by U-M Logistics, Transportation & Parking (LTP).
For general parking and transportation information, see the LTP website.
Please refer to the NCRC visitor maps for more information on NCRC entrances and parking. You may also find the following maps helpful:
For bus routes and schedules see the LTP Website.
Parking Fees
All levels of U-M parking are available, including paid visitor parking.
Information and forms about your parking permit options will be distributed to you before your move, through your department head or administrative lead. This will eliminate the need for employees to individually go to the parking permit office.
See the Logistics, Transportation & Parking website for fees and information.
See the NCRC Visitor & Parking Map for permit lots available.
Park & Ride Lot
See your park and ride options on the LTP Website.
Bike Racks
Do not bring your bicycles into the NCRC buildings. Bringing bikes into the building creates wet, slip-and-fall conditions in our lobbies, and parking them inside the building blocks hallways and egress paths. We follow the recommendations of Logistics, Transportation & Parking website, “Bicycles should only be parked at designated bike racks and should not be taken into UM buildings.”
Where can I park my bike at NCRC?
The map of available bicycle parking shows spaces through-out our complex and their proximity to the nearest entrance into the buildings.
Bike racks are located around the NCRC site, generally close to building entrances. Covered bike parking is located at Buildings 16, 32, 200, 520 and in the parking structure.
Disability Services
U-M is accessible to all people. Logistics, Transportation & Parking offers programs specifically for individuals with disabilities.