Facility Overview
Building Services
- Maps & Directions
- Occupant Directory
- Parking & Transportation
- Building Access & Security
- Lease Agreement Exhibits
The site uses the OS1 cleaning program. The evening cleaning is at 4 p.m. - 12:30pm.
Office Keys
Each department is responsible for requesting the office keys and sub-master keys through the University Key Office.
Security will unlock your office or desk if needed. Identification must be provided for Security to do so.
University Key Office
525 Church Street
Room 1103
Known as “single-stream recycling,” U-M has joined the City of Ann Arbor in changing the recycling system to collect common recyclables in the same bin, as well as accept additional materials for recycling. The schedule for recycling pickup is weekly for the offices and daily for the common areas.
Maintenance Requests are handled by Work Orders. For urgent items, contact the Plant Operations Call Center at 734-647-2059. For non-urgent items, visit the Plant Operations website.
Work Orders
Requests for work / building services fall in to one of two categories:
- General Fund – Includes building maintenance, fixed equipment, etc. Examples: plumbing, elevator, construction issues.
- Non-General Fund – Includes furnishing needs, special requests, and movable equipment. Examples: furniture moves, office refurbishing, interior design, fixture installation.
Lost & Found
Take or inquire about a lost and found item at Post 1, located in Building 10.
Phone: 734-764-9000