Lab Safety
Ergonomic Prevention Services
The University of Michigan is committed to preserving the health and safety of its faculty and staff. There are 3 ways to access ergonomic services at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor:
Prevention services are available to all faculty and staff interested in preventing physical discomfort while performing job tasks. There is NO CHARGE for the assessments, but purchasing of recommended office equipment or furniture will be the responsibility of the employee’s department.
For Ann Arbor campus employees complete the Ergonomics Services Request Form
For Medical School employees complete the Ergonomics Services Request Form
For Health System employees contact Safety Management Services at 764-4427
For more information please visit the website: http://www.ehs.umich.edu
EHS Prescription Safety Glasses FAQ's

Requests can be made on the EHS website: https://ehs.umich.edu/.
Requests MUST come from the supervisor or their delegate. The delegate can be anyone the supervisor wants to appoint, but requests should only come from one person in a lab.
NCRC Eyewash Inspections
U-M EHS requires eyewash stations be inspected by lab personnel on a monthly basis. Part of that inspection includes flushing the eyewashes for 3 minutes or until the water runs clear. The majority of eyewash stations at NCRC are connected to an alarm system which notifies NCRC Security Post 1 in the event of an activation.
In order to continue efforts to support research and streamline communications with NCRC Security Post 1 it has been agreed that the inspections for U-M labs at NCRC will now be carried out by an onsite service provider starting November 2015. They will conduct the 8 point check, detailed below, on a monthly basis. They will sign off the EHS Eyewash Inspection Form that is, or will be, attached to each eyewash station.
EHS 8 Point Eyewash Check
- Eyewash access unobstructed (note any showers that are obstructed too)
- Eyewash covers in place
- Bowl and eyepieces clean
- Flow is effective and continuous
- Protective eyewash covers come off when activated
- Adequate flow from both eyepieces
- Water drains from bowl
- Flush eyewash for 3 minutes (or until water is clear)
The service provider has been instructed to carry out the inspection of all eyewash stations in U-M laboratories and support rooms at NCRC with the exception of space assigned specifically to ULAM or ASOR. Space within vivarium that is assigned to one or more PIs will be inspected by the service provider. If you would prefer to continue to inspect your own eyewash station(s) then please let Medical School Facilities know by emailing med.school.facilities@umich.edu with details of the location(s). Examples may be laboratories or support rooms with sensitive equipment where strict access control is required.
The EHS Representatives support this initiative but have agreed that responsibility for ensuring that the inspections are carried out rests with the laboratories. Labs should therefore monitor their eyewash inspection tags to confirm that they are being inspected by the service provider each month. Lab personnel should contact med.school.facilities@umich.edu immediately if an inspection has not been carried out by the end of any given calendar month. The labs maintain responsibility for ensuring eyewash stations and safety showers are unobstructed. U-M Plant Operations, Facilities Maintenance will continue to carry out annual tests of eyewashes and safety showers.
If you have any questions or wish to opt out of this service please contact med.school.facilities@umich.edu.
Common Container Rooms
For additional laboratory safety information, visit the Environment, Health and Safety website.