Biomedical Research Store
The Biomedical Research Store is part of the Biomedical Research Core Facilities in the Office of Research. The Store provides University of Michigan research investigators with easy, on-site procurement of enzymes, reagents, and kits used in molecular, cell biology, and some protein chemistry. More than 700 different items from 11 vendors are stocked at five locations for immediate purchase. Our large-volume vendor contracts enable the Store to negotiate very low prices as well as eliminate all shipping and packaging fees. Vendors that currently have contracts with the Store are:
- Agilent
- Akadeum Life Sciences
- BioRad
- Corning
- Finnzymes
- Invitrogen-(Applied Biosystems)/Life Technologies
- Lonza
- New England Biolabs
- Pierce
- Promega
- Qiagen
- Roche Applied Science
- Sigma
Stocked inventory varies from location to location, and thousands of items that are not stocked are available by special order and generally available the next day.
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More Information
Christina Stilson
Manager, Biomedical Research Store
If you would like to know whether we have a certain item available, or to receive the most up-to-date list of stocked items, please inquire directly with:
- Biomedical Sciences Research Building (BSRB): 734-615-6072
- Brehm Tower: 734-232-8206
- Life Sciences Institute (LSI): 734-615-5701
- Medical Science Research Building II (MSRB II): 734-615-5447 or 734-936-7626
- North Campus Research Complex (NCRC Building 14): 734-615-2601
Location Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.-5:00 p.m.