War Relics
War Relics

Exhibition Date
Description of Work
Please join us for an artist reception in the Building 18 Lobby: Thursday, May 16
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UM Staff Hour, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Public
Enna Diddio was born and raised in Detroit. She is a multimedia artist with a newfound attachment to printmaking. A recent Wayne State Fine Arts graduate, with a major in Drawing, Diddio’s work is versatile and inquisitive. She is a strong proponent of City of Detroit, with a strong sense of community, craftsmanship, and creativity. They have created as space between traditionally taught skills and the contemporary methods to apply them and I desire to function within that space.
The works in the exhibition “War Relics” speak directly to the printmaking qualities and imagery of Western war iconography and memorabilia. In recent years the artist has gravitated towards signage, print, poster, stamp, reproduction and automation and highlighting the roll advertisement and design play in war. Some pieces include pin up nose bird art, signage, ration packaging and wartime tattoo flash.