At the University of Michigan, a unique group of interdisciplinary biomedical researchers have formed a think tank that will bring people with great questions about medicine together with those who can find answers – and where principal investigators continuously turn out technology that directly benefits society.
The time it takes to test a drug, procedure or medical treatment in animals – the preclinical trials period, before the new innovation is tested on humans – is precious.
To move to the preclinical trial stage more quickly, University of Michigan Biointerfaces is examining interactions among the life sciences, the physical sciences and engineering.
The goal: New drug delivery systems, new treatments and new medical devices – in less time, with less cost and with greater reliability.
Initial projects:
- The Human-on-a-Chip Project – In vitro screening platforms
- Reverse Engineering of the Human Brain Project – Neuroengineering
- Circulating Sensor Project – Integrated Sensor Technology

Team Members
- Michigan Engineering and Pharmacy
- U-M Medical School
- U-M College of Literature, Arts & Sciences
- U-M School of Dentistry
- U-M School of Pharmacy
Because of its unique structure, existing strength, and integration into the NCRC, there is exceptionally high potential for translation of the Institute’s research into public benefits.
Translational Research
With Biointerfaces, the University of Michigan now has a collaborative infrastructure to support, empower, and coordinate the wealth of different efforts on campus – and to enable translation from physical sciences and engineering to preclinical research. This, in turn, will accelerate bench-to-bedside progress.
A Track Record of Success
The University of Michigan has world-class researchers in nanoparticle self-assembly, nanofilms, microfluidics, stem cell research, neuronal probes, wireless sensors, drug delivery, and prostate/breast cancer. And, Biointerfaces can capitalize on well-defined strongholds of interdisciplinary programs already in place such as the National Institutes of Health Microfluidics Training Grant; the NIH Tissue Engineering Training Grant; the Center for Neural Communication Technology; and the Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences.
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