Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation

IHPI is the nation's leading university-based institute of health services researchers evaluating how health care works and how it can be improved, and advising policy makers to inform change.
Health services research (HSR) explores the impact and outcomes of the health care system on people’s health and wellbeing. Researchers in this field often investigate access to health care, the quality of care provided, and the cost of services. With such a broad area of study, health service researchers come from a wide variety of disciplines that not only include individuals from the health care field, such as medical doctors, nurses, and public health practitioners, but also professionals from fields such as business, engineering, economics, public policy, and social work.
The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI) was established in 2011 to capitalize on the rich academic and research knowledge of faculty studying health service research from across the University of Michigan. With a membership of more than 400 health service researchers, the institute focuses on a mission to enhance the health and well-being of local, national, and global populations through innovative, interdisciplinary health services research that effectively informs public and private efforts to optimize the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of health care services.
At NCRC, IHPI occupies more than 75,000 square feet of space in Buildings 16 (home to IHPI’s administrative offices), 10, and 14, including formal and informal collaboration space that supports multidisciplinary interactions and cutting-edge, information-sharing technologies. While not all IHPI members have offices at NCRC, institute members are welcomed and encouraged to use the services there.
Institute Members
IHPI members include faculty from the College of Engineering, the College of Pharmacy, the Ford School of Public Policy, the Institute for Social Research, the Ross School of Business, the School of Dentistry, the Law School, the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the Schools of Information, Kinesiology, Nursing, and Social Work. In addition to IHPI’s U-M faculty members, the institute also has external members from the following organizations: Altarum, Ann Arbor VA Center for Clinical Management Research, Arbor Research Collaborative for Health, the Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation, and Mathematica Policy Research.